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The SearchEverything box on our homepage is your gateway to articles, books, journals, and databases, searching over 95% of the library's resources in one location.

Tips for a successful search:

  • Use AND, OR, and NOT to expand and contract your search results. ex: automation AND Germany.
  • Use the * symbol to search different forms of a word. ex: engineer* also searches engineers, engineering, etc.
  • Use filters on the results page, such as "full text online," "peer-reviewed," and "publication date" to narrow results.
  • Don't copy/paste full citations - remove all punctuation or use the citation search tab at the top of the page.

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  • Librarians and specialists are available in-person at our knowledge bar service desks on the third floor of the Learning Commons. Please visit this page for hours


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  • To chat KU Librarians, please see browser sidebar on the library website, libguides or searcheverything  


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  • KU Library available for texting services at 810-255-9009
  • KU Archives available for texting services at 810-255-0022


  • For general inquiries and research assistance, please call the Librarians at 810-762-9598
  • For information regarding materials (books/articles), your library account or reserves, please call Access Staff at 810-762-7814 
  • For historical questions, please call the Archivist at 810-762-9690

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