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KU Online MGMT 629: Management Science: Citations

A resource guide to connect Kettering University Online students in MGMT 629 to research resources provided by the library.

Books on Citation

Other Reference Managers

Zotero is a free, open-source, easy-to-use tool to help you collect, organize, annotate, cite, and share research in a single, searchable interface. Zotero is available for Mac, Windows, Linux, and iOS. Still not sure, read more about their privacy policies, open-source code, and commitment to continual improvement here.

Mendeley is a free reference manager that can help you store, organize, note, share and cite references and research data. Automatically generate bibliographies, collaborate easily with other researchers online, import papers from other research software, find relevant papers based on what you're reading, and access your papers from anywhere online. Available for Windows, Mac, and Linux.




A list of works you have consulted for your paper, but not cited in the Reference List. Works should be listed in alphabetical order by author and laid out in the same way as items in your reference list. If you can cite from every work you consulted, you will only need a reference list. 

Always check the guidance you are given for your research paper to find out if you are expected to submit work with a reference list and a bibliography. 


The in-text reference that gives brief details (author, date, page) of the source you are quoting or referring to. This citation corresponds with the full details of the work (title, publisher, etc) given in your reference list or bibliography, so that the reader can identify and/or find the source.


A list of references at the end of your paper that includes the full information for your citations so that the reader can easily identify and retrieve each work (journal articles, books, webpages, etc).  Your reference list contains all the items you have cited or directly quoted from.


Also known as citation management software, provides organized storage for your scholarly research references and allows for easy collaboration.

EndNote 21 Campus License

The Library has acquired an EndNote 21 license for the entire campus! EndNote 21 is a software tool used to manage citations and references when writing a paper. If you’re utilizing EndNote 7, 8, 9 or 20, please consider upgrading to EndNote 21, as updates will no longer be made to prior versions.  

--How does it work? 

  • If you already have a previous subscription to EndNote and are looking to upgrade or are a new EndNote user, please go to our EndNote 21 webpage for more information and to download.

--EndNote 21 features

  • Seamless Organization - Stay organized with a reliable system that stores unlimited references and provides powerful tools to help organize and manage references with ease and speed.
  • You can now create and use custom tags to organize your references.
  • Easy Collaboration - EndNote 21 offers flexible solutions for sharing that help everyone stay on the same page. Up to 1,000 people can work from a single reference library, no matter where they are located or what organization they are affiliated with.
  • 7,000+ Reference Styles - Researchers can automatically build their bibliography with EndNote’s Cite While You Write tool in Microsoft Word or Google Docs, with access to a library of more than 7,000 styles – more than any other reference tool – or customize their own style.

Please contact if you need any assistance or further clarification on how to upgrade or sign-up for EndNote 21. 

Backward + Forward Citation Searching

Citation searching, sometimes called cited reference searching, refers to finding articles that have cited a previously published older work (i.e. following research forward). Citation searching can also include looking at the citations within a paper (i.e. the Reference List) to trace research backwards.

The number of times a paper is cited in the work of others can be an indication of its usefulness. Through citation searching, you can discover how a known idea or innovation has been confirmed, applied, improved, extended, or corrected. Citation analysis can also be used to identify emerging areas of research, identify a field's leading researchers and to assess research output.



The Kettering database Web of Science has a 'Citation Network' box next to each article. This gives a snapshot of how many times the article was cited (forward citation searching) and how many cited references the article contains (backward citation searching.) 

The Citation Map below shows a visualization of both backward and forward citation searching. Note that only articles included inside Web of Science are counted.

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