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Industrial + Manufacturing Engineering: Patents

A guide to connect Kettering University faculty and students to industrial & manufacturing resources in the library.

Roadmap to Filing a Patent

Ever wonder what steps you need to take to file a patent? Check out this humorous video.

John Oliver on Patent Trolls

John Oliver took on patent trolls on his April 19, 2015 show, check it out. 


Patent Books - eBooks

The Case Against Patents

NPR's Planet Money talks about patents in these three fascinating podcasts:

Episode 399:  Can You Patent a Steak?

Episode 412: How to Fix the Patent Mess

Episode 462: When Patents Hit the Podcast

Episode 551: The Case Against Patents

Episode 705:  The Muscle Patents

Episode 876: Patent Deception

When Patents Attack

This American Life did a great investigative piece on patent trolls. Listen here.

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