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Source Evaluation

Citing Sources

Just as it is important to check that the sources you use in your research are peer reviewed, it is also important to cite the sources you use in your own work. 

There are numerous citation styles, depending on the field you are working in and on the preferences of your professors. Below are some common citation styles, and links to citation manuals: 

What are citations?


Citations are the in-text reference that gives brief details (author, date, page) of the source you are quoting or referring to. This citation corresponds with the full details of the work (title, publisher, etc) given in your reference list or bibliography, so that the reader can identify and/or find the source.


A list of references at the end of your paper that includes the full information for your citations so that the reader can easily identify and retrieve each work (journal articles, books, webpages, etc).  Your reference list contains all the items you have cited or directly quoted from.


A list of works you have consulted for your paper, but not cited in the Reference List. Works should be listed in alphabetical order by author and laid out in the same way as items in your reference list. If you can cite from every work you consulted, you will only need a reference list. 

Always check the guidance you are given for your research paper to find out if you are expected to submit work with a reference list and a bibliography. 

Creating Citations and Bibliographies

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