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Source Evaluation

Finding Sources through the Library

In order to find quality sources that will pass source evaluation, start your research from the Kettering University Library website!

From here, search using the Search Everything Box, Databases, Libguides, or Journals.

Tips and tricks to filter your results to resources that will most likely pass source evaluation: 

  • Select "Scholarly/Peer Reviewed" articles either from the Search Everything box filter options, or from your database of choice
  • Select a publication range (for example, last 5 years) if publication date is important for your topic's accuracy
  • Ensure a bibliography page is present (see Literature Reviews for forward and backward searching)
  • When working from a journal, check the journal information to ensure it follows a peer review process. This can often be done by clicking on the picture of the journal itself, as shown below:

SearchEverything Box - Begin Your Research Here!

The SearchEverything box on our homepage is your gateway to articles, books, journals, and databases, searching over 95% of the library's resources in one location.

Tips for a successful search:

  • Use AND, OR, and NOT to expand and contract your search results. ex: automation AND Germany.
  • Use the * symbol to search different forms of a word. ex: engineer* also searches engineers, engineering, etc.
  • Use filters on the results page, such as "full text online," "peer-reviewed," and "publication date" to narrow results.
  • Don't copy/paste full citations - remove all punctuation or use the citation search tab at the top of the page.

Search Everything Box


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