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Mechanical Engineering: Standards

Standard Collections @ Kettering

Kettering University subscribes to standards in the four databases listed below

Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards

ISO is one of hundreds of organizations that issue standards

Standards - "A standard can be defined as a set of technical definitions and guidelines, “how to” instructions for designers, manufacturers, and users. Standards promote safety, reliability, productivity, and efficiency in almost every industry that relies on engineering components or equipment. Standards can run from a few paragraphs to hundreds of pages, and are written by experts with knowledge and expertise in a particular field who sit on many committees."  Source:  American Society of Mechanical Engineers

Are Standards Mandatory? - "Standards are considered voluntary because they serve as guidelines, but do not of themselves have the force of law. ASME cannot force any manufacturer, inspector, or installer to follow ASME standards. Their use is voluntary. Standards become mandatory when they have been incorporated into a business contract or incorporated into regulations."  Source:  American Society of Mechanical Engineers

Books, Databases, Journals, Websites & LibGuides

Tips on using the SearchEverything Box: 

  • To search, you can use Boolean operators capitalized such as AND, OR, NOT, or AND NOT. Example: Title of Article AND Author Name
  • It is best not to use punctuation in the SearchEverything Box such as colons, semicolons and commas
  • On the left, under "Refine Your Search" you can limit to "Scholarly and Peer-Review" to find academic articles. You can also refine your results by content type and date.  

Tips on using the SearchEverything Box: 

  • To search, you can use Boolean operators capitalized such as AND, OR, NOT, or AND NOT. Example: Title of Article AND Author Name
  • It is best not to use punctuation in the SearchEverything Box such as colons, semicolons and commas
  • On the left, under "Refine Your Search" you can limit to "Scholarly and Peer-Review" to find academic articles. You can also refine your results by content type and date.  

Related Libguides

Standards Search Engines

Please contact the Library If you find a standard for your project using the search engines listed below and we will try to acquire it for you.  Email requests to:

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  • For information regarding materials (books/articles), your library account or reserves, please call Access Staff at 810-762-7814 
  • For historical questions, please call the Archivist at 810-762-9690

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