Kettering subscribes electronically to 11 of the top 20 Business journals as determined by Journal Citation Reports and Google Scholar. These journals are listed below and are a good place to start your research.
Off-campus students will need their entire 14-digit Kettering ID to gain access. If you do not have your student number, please contact the library.
ACCT 639: Managerial Accounting — The use of managerial accounting information for planning and control is presented. Design, implementation, and the use of planning and control systems to achieve the firm’s strategies are emphasized, with a focus on managerial decision-making.
The following links will take you to the library holdings for each topic. Once the page opens, you can narrow the results by utilizing the filters on the left side of the page, including "peer-reviewed," "full text online," and "publication date."
Librarians and specialists are available in-person at our knowledge bar service desks on the third floor of the Learning Commons. Please visit this page for hours.