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PIRA Demonstration Closet: Mechanics

An inventory of demonstration experiments located in the Physics Closet.


1A10 - Measurement - Basic Units

Wooden Cube


1C20 - Motion in 1D: Uniform Acceleration

Stripey Car

Motion in Two Dimensions

1D10 - Motion in Two Dimensions - Displacement in Two Dimensions

Marble Launcher

Secondary Category:

1M40 - Work and Energy - Conservation of Energy

1D10 - Motion in Two Dimensions - Displacement in Two Dimensions

Cenco Triangle Ramp / Projectile Launcher (2)

1D50 - Motion in Two Dimensions - Central Forces

Marble Ramp

Secondary Category:

1M40 - Work + Energy: Conservation of Energy

1D50 - Motion in Two Dimensions - Central Forces

Tennis Ball on a String (Whirlygig)

1D50 - Motion in Two Dimensions - Central Forces

Beck Centripetal Force Unit

Relative Motion

1F00 - Newton's First Law

Box of Masses (from 1g - 500g)

      Secondary categories: 

      1G00 - Newton's Second Law

      1H00 - Newton's Third Law

      1J00 - Statics of Rigid Bodies

Newton's Second Law

1G10 - Newton's Second Law - Force, Mass + Acceleration

Assorted Scales

1G10 - Newton's Second Law - Force, Mass + Acceleration

Springs (2)

1G10 - Newton's Second Law - Force, Mass + Acceleration

Ballistics Car (2)

      Secondary Categories: 

      1D10 - Motion in Two Dimensions - Displacement in Two Dimensions

      1E10 - Relative Motion - Moving Reference Frames

Statics of Rigid Bodies

1J40 - Statics of Rigid Bodies - Static Torque 

Torque Beams

Work + Energy

1M40 - Work and Energy - Conservation of Energy

Wooden Ballistics Pendulum

1M40 - Work and Energy - Conservation of Energy

Beck Ball Pendulum

Linear Momentum + Collisions

1N00 - Linear Momentum and Collisions

Bouncy Balls (5) 

Racquet Balls (3) - not pictured

1N21 - Linear Momentum and Collisions - Mass and Momentum Transfer

Newton's Cradle

1N40 - Linear Momentum and Collisions - Collisions in Two Dimensions

Air Puck

Secondary Category:

1D50 - Motion in Two Dimensions - Central Forces

Rotational Dynamics

1Q10 - Rotational Dynamics - Moments of Inertia

Weights + Rods

1Q10 - Rotational Dynamics - Moments of Inertia

Rotational Motion Apparatus (14)

1Q10 - Rotational Dynamics - Moments of Inertia

Rotational Inertia Tubes

1Q10 - Rotational Dynamics - Moments of Inertia

Assorted Metal Rings + Cylinders

1Q40 - Rotational Dynamics - Conservation of Angular Momentum

Black Bike Tire

White tire

Platform on Wheels

Motor for Spinning Bike tire

1Q50 - Rotational Dynamics - Gyros

Mitac Gyros (2)

Properties of Matter

1R50 - Properties of Water - Crystalline Structure

Molecule Models

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