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Faculty Resources: Library Resources

A LibGuide to connect professors with services in Kettering University Library they might not know about.

SearchEverything Box - Begin Your Research Here!

The SearchEverything box on our homepage is your gateway to articles, books, journals, and databases, searching over 95% of the library's resources in one location.

Tips for a successful search:

  • Use AND, OR, and NOT to expand and contract your search results. ex: automation AND Germany.
  • Use the * symbol to search different forms of a word. ex: engineer* also searches engineers, engineering, etc.
  • Use filters on the results page, such as "full text online," "peer-reviewed," and "publication date" to narrow results.
  • Don't copy/paste full citations - remove all punctuation or use the citation search tab at the top of the page.

Book Purchase Suggestion

Is there a specific book that would help with your research? Suggest it here and the librarians will consider it for the library.

We take suggestions for both physical books and ebooks.

Suggest a book

Faculty Resources

Kettering University subscribes to standards in the following databases:

If you find an industry standard for your project on Google or by using the search platforms listed below, we will try to acquire it for you.  Email requests to:

Kettering University Thesis Collections

ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global Database - ProQuest Dissertations and Theses: Global (PQDTGlobal) is the world's most comprehensive collection of full-text dissertations and theses.


Are included in our following subscriptions:

Harvard Business Review Case Studies

The HBR case studies fall outside of our subscription to the Harvard Business Review.  If you need a HBR case study for your entire class, you can create a course pack through their website.  Here are some links to follow:

AVON - Faculty can do the following:

  • Create Playlists

  • Embed into Blackboard

  • Snip Specific Clips

LinkedIn Learning - Start in your Blackboard course shell at Content> Build Content> LinkedIn Learning, and the new Blackboard LTI includes the following improvements:

  • Ease in adding LinkedIn Learning content into your Blackboard course shells

  • Improved searching and filtering for content

  • Direct course linking

  • Ability to track student progress

KU Library Tutorial Videos

Library Homepage

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