The SearchEverything box on our homepage is your gateway to articles, books, journals, and databases, searching over 95% of the library's resources in one location.
Tips for a successful search:
Is there a specific book that would help with your research? Suggest it here and the librarians will consider it for the library.
We take suggestions for both physical books and ebooks.
Kettering University subscribes to standards in the following databases:
If you find an industry standard for your project on Google or by using the search platforms listed below, we will try to acquire it for you. Email requests to:
Kettering University Thesis Collections
ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global Database - ProQuest Dissertations and Theses: Global (PQDTGlobal) is the world's most comprehensive collection of full-text dissertations and theses.
Are included in our following subscriptions:
Harvard Business Review Case Studies
The HBR case studies fall outside of our subscription to the Harvard Business Review. If you need a HBR case study for your entire class, you can create a course pack through their website. Here are some links to follow:
Create a HBR Educator Access Account
Steps on creating a course pack
YouTube on creating a course pack
All case studies
AVON - Faculty can do the following:
Create Playlists
Embed into Blackboard
Snip Specific Clips
LinkedIn Learning - Start in your Blackboard course shell at Content> Build Content> LinkedIn Learning, and the new Blackboard LTI includes the following improvements:
Ease in adding LinkedIn Learning content into your Blackboard course shells
Improved searching and filtering for content
Direct course linking
Ability to track student progress