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Faculty Resources: Publishing Resources

A LibGuide to connect professors with services in Kettering University Library they might not know about.

Publishing for Free Through Library Transformative Agreements

Kettering University Library is pleased to offer assistance with publishing through Transformative Agreements. Transformative Agreements are an agreement between an institution like a library that shift from the typical model of paying for a subscription to a journal, to paying for publication costs to that journal, and access to the content is free to read (open access). Transformative Agreements are sometimes referred to as “read-and-publish” deals, as they include the ability to do both things.

For faculty, this means: 

  • No cost (or minimal cost) to you to publish in certain journals

  • Provides the ability to publish open access

  • Increased access to your publications (81% higher downloads and 31% higher citations for open-access material) (IOP Science)

  • Transformative agreements include popular journals that faculty are already publishing in

  • Currently, the library has transformative agreements with three providers - IOP, ACS, and ACM- offering 300+ journal titles (see below for more information) 

IOP Science

IOPscience is an online service for journal content published by IOP Publishing. IOPscience embraces innovative technologies to make it easier for researchers to access scientific, technical and medical content (About IOP). 

IOP offers access to 94 journals through our transformative agreement that provide open-access publishing for free.

To browse the journals offered through IOP's transformative agreement, check out their Journal Finder Tool

When you are ready to submit an article to a journal, you will see a large red Submit Article option on the Journal Finder page. From here, you will create an account and follow the steps outlined on the journal submission site. 

For more information about publishing under IOP's transformative agreement, please see this resource. 


“The Publications Division of the ACS shall provide to its members and the worldwide scientific community a comprehensive collection, in any medium, of high-quality information products and services that advance the practice of the chemical and related sciences and shall generate, in the aggregate, an annual net contribution from operations to support the Society's overall mission of advancing the broader chemistry enterprise and its practitioners for the benefit of Earth and its people” (About ACS Publications).

ACS offers access to free publication in 81 journals through our transformative agreement. To explore journal options, please use the Journal Finder Tool

When you are ready to submit an article to a journal through the Journal Finder, you will see a green Select button. From here, you will create an account and follow the steps outlined on the journal submission site.

For more information about publishing under the ACS transformative agreement, please see this resource


The ACM Digital Library is a research, discovery and networking platform containing:

  • The Full-Text Collection of all ACM publications, including journals, conference proceedings, technical magazines, newsletters and books.
  • A collection of curated and hosted full-text publications from select publishers.
  • The ACM Guide to Computing Literature, a comprehensive bibliographic database focused exclusively on the field of computing.
  • A richly interlinked set of connections among authors, works, institutions, and specialized communities.

ACM OPEN provides access free open access publishing for faculty in over 250 journals, magazines and conference proceedings You may see a list of research titles eligible for Open Access publication under the ACM OPEN license model here. All corresponding authors from current ACM OPEN-licensed institutions may publish an unlimited number of accepted research articles in these publications.

For information on publishing in ACM, click here.

ACM OPEN Frequently Asked Questions


Publishing Open Access

Work published under transformative agreements will be open access. This means your work:

  • Can be accessed, free of charge, by anyone

  • You will retain the copyright for your work

  • Under transformative agreements, your open-access work will  be published under a Creative Commons license

Based on the journal, there may be an embargo period for your work, and the level of open access may vary. You can learn more about open-access and Creative Commons licensing by following the corresponding links. 

Contact the Library

For help navigating the publishing process through transformative agreements, locating journal options, or if you have any questions, please contact the library at

Library Homepage

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