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Chemistry 247 + 347 + 348: Finding Chemical Properties

This guide is for Dr. Montserrat Rabago-Smith's chemistry classes

Kettering Databases

Searching for a Compound

There are many ways you can describe a compound in order to search for it within a database.  Consider your options and what types of descriptions the particular database will accept.  If you get zero results, try another way before moving on to another resource.

Chemical name/synonyms
Common/trivial name
Molecular formula
Empirical formula
CAS Registry Number

For example, consider ethanol:

ethyl alcohol
ethyl hydroxide
CAS# 64-17-15


Information is from Purdue University's Chemistry Lab Resources Guide

Online Resources

Both Wikipedia and Wolfram Alpha can be quick and easy to seach when it come to chemical and physical properties.  But before you use these resources, please consider the following when searching each source.


Information is from Purdue University's Chemistry Lab Resources Guide

Library Homepage

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