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MECH 446 / 646: Vehicle Systems Dynamics: Finding SAE Technical Papers + Standards

Where to Start

Step 1: Start by searching SAE Mobilus. Off-campus users will need their Kettering login to authenticate.

  • It indexes all SAE publications (standards, technical papers, books, journals) from 1906 onwards.
  • Use the search box at the top of the screen, and leave the dropdown menu on Metadata + Full Text.

  • Make sure you are viewing the "Subscribed" content tab only because this will limit the results to documents Kettering owns.

Step 2: Found what you want? Use the DOWNLOAD button. 

  • The PRINT button will only print the preview screen of your document.
  • Using DOWNLOAD will download the full paper. You might be given an option for a PDF file or EPUB file. We recommend PDF.
  • The EXPORT button will allow you to send the citation to a program like RefWorks or BibTex.

Step 3: What if you can't find what you need? 

  • If you think you should be able to find a technical paper or standard in SAE Mobilus but can't, send an email to and let the librarians help.
  • If you see a document in the "Unsubscribed" section you would like to access, send an email to or fill out the Article Request form and we will obtain it for you.

SAE Technical Papers Numbering

How to Understand the Numbering System for SAE Technical Papers

Technical Papers have one of two numbering formats:

  • six digit number (941542) for all papers published prior to 1999
  • 10 digit number (2007-01-1542) for all papers published after 2000
  • The first numbers indicate year published, so 941542 = published in 1994 and 2007-01-1542 = published in 2007

SAE papers can be published in SAE Special Publications, in SAE Proceedings, in the SAE Transactions, and in various SAE Journals.

"SP" = Special Publications - a collection of Technical Papers presented at a given session in one conference.
"HS" = Handbook Supplement
"P" = Proceedings
"PT" = Progress in Technology

Our holdings for SAE Technical Papers: 

Kettering has access from 1996→present for Technical Papers in SAE Mobilus.

SAE Ground Vehicle Standards (J-Papers)

How to Understand the Numbering System for SAE Standards

All SAE Standards begin with letters. Ground Vehicle Standards start with J; Aerospace Standards start with AS, AMS, AIR and ARP. Standards often have various iterations and updates in different years, so be aware of which version you need.

SAE Ground Vehicle Standards are also called J-Papers or J-Reports because the standard numbers begin with J. The year of the standard is inside its number. For example: 

  • J585_200802 Tail Lamps
  • J513_199901 Refrigeration Tube Fittings

Pay attention to "Current" versus "Historical" standards. The number of the standard changes with the year it was released, but the title does not.

Our holdings for Ground Vehicle Standards:

Kettering has access from 1927→present for all Ground Vehicle Standards in SAE Mobilus. 

We do not have Aerospace Standards in SAE Mobilus.

Stapp Car Crash Journal

Stapp Car Crash Journal

The Stapp Association is dedicated to the dissemination of research findings in impact biomechanics, human tolerance to impact trauma, and crash injury protection. This is achieved primarily through the annual Stapp Car Crash Journal and associated conference. 

There is a selection of Technical Papers published in the Stapp Car Crash Journal. 

To simply browse papers from the Stapp Car Crash Conference, enter "Stapp Car Crash" in the search box, in Metadata + Full Text. From the limiter on the left choose "My Access" in the Show Only and open Collections, scroll down to STAPP under books. Click apply.

Our holdings for STAPP Car Crash papers: 

Kettering has access from 1966→present for Stapp papers in SAE Mobilus.

Gaps in Our Coverage

If you see something needed for research, please email us at or fill out the Article Request form and we will obtain it for you.

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