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Course Reserves/Textbooks: For Faculty

Information about Course Reserves/Textbooks available at the KU Library.

FAQ : Faculty & Reserves

How do I submit Reserves?

The admin for each department works with faculty member(s) to submit books/materials to the KU Bookstore for each term. If you have any questions about this, please contact Katie Jones at

How do I submit Reserves to the Library?

Each term the library reviews the list of required texts reported to the bookstore and makes every effort to acquire an unlimited electronic copy of each, when available. The system is updated during zero section/break week for the next term. You can browse the system platform here and step-by-step instructions are available on this page here: 

Please submit this form here, if you don't see your text listed or would like us to search for resources on a certain subject/topic or you can always email

Does the Library offer any assistance with Coursepacks?

Yes, we can assist you with helping find materials (library owned as well as materials outside of our collection) to post in your Blackboard course shell.

If you have a previous course pack and are looking to make it electronic and available for students to purchase, the University works with a company called, XanEdu. Please refer to Katie Jones at

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