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Open Access Business Journals

Open access means unrestricted online access to peer-reviewed scholarly research.

This is a list of quality business OA journals that can be accessed free from anywhere.

Capstone: Innovation and New Ventures

BUSN 779: Capstone: Innovation and New Ventures — This capstone focuses on the creation, or startup, of a new company or organization based on an innovation in product, service, process, or delivery. Students develop a comprehensive business plan showcasing their understanding of business management concepts. This course requires an integrative approach to produce a business plan applicable to a variety of industries.

Relevant Library Search Results

The following links will take you to the library holdings for each topic. Once the page opens, you can narrow the results by utilizing the filters on the left side of the page, including "peer-reviewed," "full text online," and "publication date."

Business Podcasts

Harvard Business Review Ideacast: a weekly audio podcast, bringing you the analysis and advice of the leading minds in management. 


BBC Business Daily: This podcast examines the big issues facing the global economy, demystifies the world of money and common business news and trends, and provides a daily update of world business news.


The Bottom Line: A BBC Radio 4 production that is a panel discussion with business leaders addressing such topics as how some companies survive for centuries, new concepts in management, and wearable technology and its impact on business.

Related Research Guides

Top Business Journals

Kettering subscribes electronically to 11 of the top 20 Business journals as determined by Journal Citation Reports and Google Scholar. These journals are listed below and are a good place to start your research.

Off-campus students will need their entire 14-digit Kettering ID to gain access. If you do not have your student number, please contact the library.

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