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KU Online MGMT 620: Business Communication and Presentation: Home

A resource guide to connect Kettering University Online students in MGMT 620 to research resources provided by the library.

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Required Texts

American Psychological Association. (2019). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). American Psychological Association. eText ISBN: 9781433813757 

Note: The APA style guide is not available to the library as an ebook. The prrint version is available. Please note this reference manual is required for the entire program and should only be purchased once.

Bovee, L.C., & Thill, J.V. (2018). Business communication today (14th ed). Pearson. eText ISBN: 9780134551692  

Note: The ebook version of the Bovee & Thill text is not available for purchase in this country, but the older edition is available through the library as a hardcover book.

Related Research Guides

Business Communication and Presentation

The ability to listen and craft well-written messages verbally, in writing, and within digital spaces are valued skills among employers regardless of industry. This course provides opportunities for students to sharpen their writing, improve editing, hone critical thinking skills, and create effective persuasive messages. Course content also includes best practices for organizing, revising, and presenting information in-person and remotely. 

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Relevant Library Search Results

The following links will take you to the library holdings for each topic. Once the page opens, you can narrow the results by utilizing the filters on the left side of the page, including "peer-reviewed," "full text online," and "publication date."

To search all of Kettering's library resources, click here.

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  • Librarians and specialists are available in-person at our knowledge bar service desks on the third floor of the Learning Commons. Please visit this page for hours


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  • KU Library available for texting services at 810-255-9009
  • KU Archives available for texting services at 810-255-0022


  • For general inquiries and research assistance, please call the Librarians at 810-762-9598
  • For information regarding materials (books/articles), your library account or reserves, please call Access Staff at 810-762-7814 
  • For historical questions, please call the Archivist at 810-762-9690

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