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engrXiv - Engineering Pre-print Archive

Using engrXiv

engrXiv is a pre-print archive where authors submit their works parallel with traditional article publishing in order to share their research widely in an open-access format. Per the engrXiv archive site: "Please note that preprints are not formally peer-reviewed. When re-using them, and especially when citing, this status should be clearly marked. Please exercise the same care and judgment you would use for any research output when it comes to the re-use of preprints." The archive is searchable and includes PDFs for files shared within its pages.

To get started, enter any keywords or author names into the search at the top of the page.

After you enter search terms, a new page will open with additional filtering by dates or author. Click the black search button to the bottom right of the date filters. Then scroll down to see the results.

Once you find an article you would like to read, you can either click the PDF logo to download it or click the title of the article to read the abstract and see other information, such as the doi, keywords used, number of downloads, and when the file was loaded into the archive. 

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