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IEEE Explore

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Locating Standards in the IEEE Xplore Database

About the Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers Xplore Database

The IEEE Xplore digital library is a powerful resource for discovery of and access to scientific and technical content published by the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) and its publishing partners.

The Kettering University Library subscribes to the IEEE Electronic Library, which contains almost one-third of the world's current literature in electrical engineering, communications, and computer science. The most comprehensive and value-driven collection available through IEEE Xplore, IEL delivers innovative information and powerful research tools:

  • Unlimited, full-text access to more than 5 million documents
  • Documents delivered in PDF and HTML (as available) formats
  • Highly cited, peer-reviewed research that fuels more new patents than any other publisher, including:
    • Over 1.2 million articles from 203 top-cited IEEE journals, magazines, and transactions
    • Over 4 million conference papers from as far back as 1936, with up to 200,000 added each year
  • Approximately 4,900 IEEE standards documents in key technology fields, with the option to add draft standards
  • IEEE Redline Versions of Standards
  • Access to seminal articles from Bell Labs Technical Journal archive
  • Access to articles from IET's E&T Magazine as well as proceedings from IET conferences and events
  • Access to more than 16,000 papers from select VDE conferences
  • Access to articles accepted for future publication
  • Backfile to the late 1800s for select titles
  • Abstract/citation and bibliographic records for subscribed content
  • Robust search tools with a user-friendly interface
  • Free training and technical support
  • Unlimited article downloads
  • Daily updates with approximately 20,000 new IEEE documents added each month

Searching the Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers

Global searching enables you to search the IEEE Xplore database for one or more keywords in any field. Use advanced searching if you want to do a full-text search; limit your search to certain fields; limit your search by publisher, content type, topic, or year; or combine keywords using operators (AND, OR, NOT).

Use the global search box near the top center of IEEE Xplore to begin your search.

1.  Enter one or more keywords in the Global Search box. IEEE Xplore has a type-ahead feature that suggests keywords and phrases using values from the document title, publication title, topic, and index terms fields. Type-ahead is initiated after three characters are entered. If you see the search query you want, select it in the pop-up box. Note: Three characters must be entered for the type-ahead feature to activate.

2. Click
IEEE Xplore looks for matches in metadata. (IEEE members and guests may choose to search both full text and metadata through search preferences.) Metadata includes the document title, author(s), publication title, abstract, and index terms. IEEE Xplore then displays a list of results matching your keyword(s).

3. Select the number of titles listed on the page using the Results per page drop-down, and specify how the titles are sorted using the Sort by drop-down.

4. View multiple pages of results by using the page numbers or First and Last links at the top or bottom of the list of titles.

5. View the abstract of an article on the search results page by clicking .

6. Display the abstract page by clicking the document title or the ... View more link.

7. For articles in publications to which you subscribe, view full text by clicking PDF.

The subscription identifier icon Subscription Identifier Icon indicates articles where you have access to full text.

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