Sir John D. Cockcroft
About Cockcroft:
Featured: "Letter from Ernest Lawrence" inside Science in America (p 404)
Article: Experiments with high velocity positive ions (w/ Walton)
Ernest T.S. Walton
About Walton:
Featured: Ingenious Ireland (p 437, GoogleBooks)
Featured: Physicists of Ireland (p 228, GoogleBooks)
Article: Experiments with high velocity positive ions (w/ Cockcroft)
Felix Bloch
About Bloch:
Chapter: "Discoverer of NMR Signal in Condensed Matter" inside The pioneers of NMR and magnetic resonance in medicine - the story of MRI
Article: Nuclear induction
Edward M. Purcell
About Purcell:
Chapter: "Discoverer of NMR Signal in Condensed Matter" inside The pioneers of NMR and magnetic resonance in medicine - the story of MRI
Article: Relaxation effects in nuclear magnetic resonance absorption
Frits Zernike
No Banquet Speech given
About Zernike:
Featured: Nobel Prize Winners in Physics (p 146)
Chapter: "Frits Zernike" inside The History of Science in the Netherlands (p 609, GoogleBooks)
Article: Generation of far infrared as a difference frequency
Max Born
About Born:
Featured: Remarkable Physicists (p 266)
Featured: Scientists, Mathematicians + Inventors (p 28)
Book: My Life and My Views
Book: Principles of optics: electromagnetic theory of propagation, interference and diffraction of light
Walther Bothe
About Bothe:
Willis E. Lamb Jr.
About Lamb:
Article: Theory of an optical maser
Polykarp Kusch
About Kusch:
Featured: A to Z of Physicists (p 167)
William Shockley
About Shockley:
Article: Currents to conductors induced by a moving point charge
John Bardeen
About Bardeen:
Featured: Scientists, Mathematicians + Inventors (p 13)
Article: Theory of superconductivity
*Interesting Fact*
Bardeen also won the 1972 Nobel Prize in Physics
Walter H. Brattain
About Brattain:
Featured: The 100 Most Influential Inventors of All Time
Article: Surface properties of germanium (w/ Bardeen)
Chen N. Yang
About Yang:
Article: Conservation of isotopic spin and isotopic gauge invariance
Tsung-Dao Lee
About Lee:
Article: Statistical theory of equations of state and phase transitions
Pavel A. Cherenkov
About Cherenkov:
Featured: Science in the Early Twentieth Century
Featured: The Physics Book
Featured: Nobel Laureates and Twentieth-Century Physics (p 267)
Featured: Encyclopedia of World Scientists (p 136, GoogleBooks)
Featured: "Cherenkov Radiation" inside The Oxford Guide to the History of Physics (p 55)
Chapter inside of: Radioactivity Hall of Fame (p 437)
eBook: Vavilov-Cherenkov and Synchrotron Radiation
Article: The ondulator as a source of electromagnetic radiation
Il'ja Mikhailovich Frank
About Mikhailovich:
Patent: Microphotocomposing apparatus for making artworks
Chapter: "To the Memory of Ilya Mikhailovich Frank" inside The Physics of a Lifetime
Igor Y. Tamm
About Tamm:
Featured: Stalin's Great Science: The Times and Adventures of Soviet Physicists (p 64, GoogleBooks)
Featured: Buried glory: Portraits of Soviet scientists
Chapter: "Igor Tamm's Path to Science" inside The World of Andrei Sakharov (GoogleBooks)
Chapter: "About Igor Evgenevich Tamm" inside The Physics of a Lifetime
Chapter: "Mathematical Peril" inside Eurekas and Euphorias: The Oxford Book of Scientific Anecdotes (p 43, GoogleBooks)
Emilio G. Segrè
Books about Segrè:
Book: From X-rays to Quarks: Modern Physicists and their Discoveries
Article: Antiproton-nucleon annihilation process
Owen Chamberlain
About Chamberlain:
Featured: Nobel Prize Winners in Physics (p 162)
Featured: A Century of Nobel Prize Recipients (p 167, GoogleBooks)
Article: Observation of Antiprotons