Hannes Alfvén
Banquet Speech given in Swedish
Books about Alfvén:
Featured: A to Z of physicists (p 3)
Article: Worlds-Antiworlds; Antimatter in Cosmology
Book: On the Origin of the Solar System
Article: Model of The Plasma Universe
Article: On the Filamentary Structure of the Solar Corona
Louis E.F. Néel
Banquet Speech given in French
About Néel:
Dennis Gabor
About Gabor:
Featured: A to Z of physicists (p 110)
Featured: "Holography" inside Encyclopedia of Emerging Industries in Gale Virtual Reference Library
John Bardeen
About Bardeen:
Featured: "John Bardeen + the Theory of Superconductivity" inside The Physics of a Lifetime: Reflections on the Problems + Personalities of 20th Century Physics
Featured: "John Bardeen" inside Chemistry: Foundations + Applications in Gale Virtual Reference Library
Featured: A to Z of Physicists (p 18)
Featured: Scientists, Mathematicians + Inventors (p 13)
Book: True Genius: The Life + Science of John Bardeen, the only Winner of two Nobel Prizes in Physics
Article: Superconducting fluctuations in one-dimensional organic solids
*Interesting Fact* Bardeen also won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1956
Leon N. Cooper
About Cooper:
Book: An Introduction to the Meaning and Structure of Physics
John R. Schrieffer
About Schrieffer:
Book: Handbook of High-Temperature Superconductivity - Theory and Experiment (ebook)
Article: Solitons in polyacetylene
Leo Esaki
About Esaki:
Chapter: "The Birth of the Semiconductor Superlattice" inside Fundamentals of Semiconductors - Physics and Materials Properties (ebook)
Article: Resonant tunneling in semiconductor double barriers
Ivar Giaever
About Giaever:
Featured: Superconductivity - A Very Short Introduction (p85)
Article: Micromotion of mammalian cells measured electrically
Brian D. Josephson
Nobel Lecture / Short Biography
About Josephson:
Featured: A to Z of Physicists (p 152)
Featured: A Century of Nobel Prize Recipients (p 187)
Sir Martin Ryle
About Ryle:
Book: Ecology & Socialism
Article: A possible method for investigating the evolution of radio galaxies
Antony Hewish
About Hewish:
Featured: Great Minds - Reflections of 111 Top Scientists (p 48)
Featured: "Neutron Star" inside UXL Encyclopedia of Science
Chapter: "The Wonders of Pulsars" inside A Century of Ideas: Perspectives from Leading Scientists of the 20th Century
Aage Bohr
(first name is pronounced 'orga')
About Bohr:
Article: Study of nuclear structure by electromagnetic excitation with accelerated ions (w/ Mottelson)
*Interesting Fact* His father, Niels Bohr also won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1922
Ben R. Mottelson
About Mottelson:
ebook: On the Fine Structure in Alpha Decay (GoogleBooks)
Article: The shape of the nuclear photo-resonance in deformed nuclei
L. James Rainwater
About Rainwater:
Featured: Science: The Definitive Visual Guide (p 483)
Featured: Q is for Quantum: An Encyclopedia of Particle Physics (p 330)
Article: Applications of probability theory to nuclear particle detection
Burton Richter
About Richter:
Featured: A to Z of Physicists (p 249)
Book: Beyond Smoke and Mirrors - Climate Change and Energy in the 21st Century
Article: Discovery of a Narrow Resonance in e+ e-Annihilation
Samuel C.C. Ting
About Ting:
Featured: A to Z of Physicists (p 300)
Article: Experimental observation of a heavy particle J
*Interesting Fact* Ting was born in Ann Arbor, MI
Philip W. Anderson
About Anderson:
Featured: A to Z of physicists (p 12)
Book: Concepts in Solids - Lectures on the Theory of Solids
Book: More and Different: Notes from a Thoughtful Curmudgeon
Article: Absence of diffusion in certain random lattices
Sir Nevill F. Mott
About Mott:
Featured: A to Z of Physicists (p 204)
Book: A Life in Science
Book: The Theory of Atomic Collisions
Book: Atomic Structure and the Strength of Metals
Article: The Basis of the Electron Theory of Metals, with Special Reference to the Transition Metals
John H. Van Vleck
About Van Vleck:
Featured: A to Z of Physicists (p 313)
Book: The Theory of Electric and Magnetic Susceptibilities
Article: The Correspondence Principle in the Statistical Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics
Pyotr L. Kapitsa
About Kapitsa:
ebook: Collected Papers of PL Kapitsa
Arno A. Penzias
About Penzias:
Chapter: "The Discovery of bBckground Radiation" and "An Explanation of the Penzias and Wilson Discovery" inside The Tests of Time: Readings in the Development of Physical Theory
Chapter: "What Constitutes a Good Scientific Theory?" inside Engineering Tomorrow : Today's Technology Experts Envision the Next Century
Article: A Measurement of Excess Antenna Temperature at 4080 Mc/s (w/ Robert Wilson)
Robert W. Wilson
About Wilson:
Featured: Science: The Definitive Visual Guide (p 269)
Featured: The Physics Book (p 456)
Sheldon L. Glashow
About Glashow:
Chapter: "Unification - Then and Now" inside From the PS to the LHC-- 50 years of Nobel Memories in High-Energy Physics
Chapter: "Too Huge for the Atom, Too Tiny for the Star" inside Mind, Life, and Universe : Conversations with Great Scientists of our Time
Book: From Alchemy to Quarks
Article: Partial-symmetries of weak interactions
Abdus Salam
About Salam:
Chapter: "A Strong Beginning" & "1967: from Kibble to Salam and Weinberg" inside The Infinity Puzzle - Quantum Field Theory and the Hunt for an Orderly Universe
Book: Cosmic Anger: Abdus Salam - The First Muslim Nobel Scientist
Book: Science in the Third World
Book: Unification of Fundamental Forces - The First of the 1988 Dirac Memorial Lectures
Article: On Kaluza-Klein Theory
Steven Weinberg
About Weinberg:
Video Interview / Text Interview
Video Series: Question to Weinberg: What is the Point of Living in a Universe with no Purpose?
Chapter: "1967: from Kibble to Salam and Weinberg" inside The Infinity Puzzle - quantum field theory and the hunt for an orderly universe
Chapter: "The Cosmic Microwave Radiation Background" inside The Tests of Time - Readings in the Development of Physical Theory
Chapter: "Changing Views of Symmetry" inside From the PS to the LHC-- 50 Years of Nobel Memories in High-Energy Physics
Book: The First Three Minutes - A Modern View of the Origin of the Universe
Book: The Discovery of Subatomic Particles
Book: Lectures on Quantum Mechanics
Book: Cosmology
Article: A new light boson?