Jerome I. Friedman
About Friedman:
Chapter: "Peering Inside the Proton" in From PS to the LHC - 50 Years of Nobel Memories;(ebook)
Article: Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines
Henry W. Kendall
About Kendall:
PhD Thesis: The First Excited State of Positronium
Article: Observed behavior of highly inelastic electron-proton scattering
Richard E. Taylor
About Taylor:
Pierre-Gilles de Gennes
About de Gennes:
Chapter: "Bubbles, Foams and Other Fragile Objects" inside A Century of Ideas: Perspectives from Leading Scientists of the 20th Century
Georges Charpak
About Charpak:
Russell A. Hulse
About Hulse:
Book: Clocks in the Sky: The Story of Pulsars
Article: Discovery of a pulsar in a binary system
Joseph H. Taylor
About Taylor:
Book: Pulsars
Article: Pulsar distances and the galactic distribution of free electrons
Another article: Binary pulsars and relativistic gravity
Bertram N. Brockhouse
About Brockhouse:
Feature: Biographical Memoirs of the Fellows of the Royal Society
Feature: Obituary in Nature
Article: Lattice vibrations in silicon and germanium
Clifford G. Shull
About Shull:
Feature: Obituary from MIT
Article: Single-and double-slit diffraction of neutrons
Martin L. Perl
About Perl:
Research Article: Observation in e+ to e- Annihilation of a Narrow State
Frederick Reines
About Reines:
Featured: A to Z of Physicists (p 246)
Book: Neutrino Hunters : The Thrilling Chase for a Ghostly Particle to Unlock the Secrets of the Universe
Article: The Neutrino
David M. Lee
About Lee:
Article: X-ray Studies of Structural Changes of Impunity-Helium Solids
Douglas Osheroff
About Osheroff:
Chapter: "Some Warnings, Some Worries, and a Call for Leadership" inside The Way We Will be 50 Years from Today - 60 of the World's Greatest Minds Share their Visions of the Next Half Century
Chapter: "The Nature of Discovery in Physics" inside A Century of Ideas - Perspectives from Leading Scientists of the 20th Century
Article: Nuclear Antiferromagnetic Resonance in Solid He 3
Robert Richardson
About Richardson:
Article: Hot Electrons + Energy Transport in Metals at Milikelvin Temperatures
Steven Chu
About Chu:
Featured: A to Z of Physicists (p 58)
Article: Observation of a single-beam gradient force optical trap for dielectric particles
Claude Cohen-Tannoudji
About Cohen-Tannoudji:
Chapter: "Manipulating Atoms with Photons" inside The New Physics for the Twenty-First Century
Article: Laser cooling below the Doppler limit by polarization gradients - simple theoretical models
William D. Phillips
About Phillips:
Book: Visions of Discovery - New Light on Physics, Cosmology, and Consciousness
Article: Observation of atoms laser cooled below the Doppler limit
Robert B. Laughlin
About Laughlin:
Book: A Different Universe - Reinventing Physics from the Bottom Down
Article: Anomalous quantum Hall effect - an incompressible quantum fluid with fractionally charged excitations
Horst L. Störmer
About Störmer:
Article: Experimental observation of the quantum Hall effect and Berry's phase in graphene
Daniel C. Tsui
About Tsui:
Article: Observation of an even-denominator quantum number in the fractional quantum Hall effect
Gerardus 't Hooft
Nobel Lecture (video) / Biography
About 't Hooft:
Featured: A to Z of Physicists (p 145)
Chapter: "The Unique Beauty of the Subatomic Landscape" inside From the PS to the LHC - 50 Years of Nobel Memories in High-Energy Physics
Chapter: "A Confrontation with Infinity" inside A Century of Ideas - Perspectives from Leading Scientists of the 20th Century
Chapter: "How will Science Transform Human Society?" inside The Way We Will be 50 Years from Today - 60 of the World's Greatest Minds Share Their Visions of the Next Half Century
Book: Three Roads to Quantum Gravity
Book: Playing with Planets
Book: Time in Powers of Ten
Article: A planar diagram theory for strong interactions
Martinus J.G. Veltman
Nobel Lecture (video) / Biography
About Veltman:
Featured: A to Z of Physicists (p 315)
Book: Diagrammatica - The Path to Feynman Diagrams
Book: Facts and Mysteries in Elementary Particle Physics
Article: Second threshold in weak interactions