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Liberal Arts Databases

All of Kettering's Liberal Studies Databases in one place

Legal Information Source

Using Legal Information Source

Navigate legal matters of all kinds with reliable “how-to” information, Nolo legal guides, and thousands of federal and state-specific legal forms.

Subjects covered in the Legal Information Source database:

  • Business and Corporations
  • Patents, Copyrights, and Trademarks
  • Family Affairs, Adoption, and Divorce
  • Immigration and Travel
  • Money and Financial Planning
  • Property and Real Estate
  • Rights and Disputes
  • Wills and Estate Planning

Content Includes

  • Thousands of state-specific legal forms
  • Thousands of federal legal forms
  • Full-text publications and reports
  • NOLO Legal Reference Book Series

Searching Legal Information Source

The easiest way to get started is to use the search box at the top of the page and enter your preferred search terms. 

You can also scroll down on the page to see suggested topics. If you click one of those see in blue below, you will be taken to another page with more sub-topics as you drill down to find exactly what you're looking for. 

Once you reach your desired search results, you can further narrow them down by using the filters at the top of your results.

About this Guide

Informtation for this guide provided compliments of EBSCO.

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