Contains 295,000+ multidisciplinary eBooks with unlimited, multi-user access, powerful research tools, and DRM-free chapter downloads. Content is hosted on the ProQuest’s eBook Central platform and available to browse in the Library Catalog/SearchEverything. To download eBook, you may need to install Adobe Digital Editions.
Click here for Database Tutorial made by KU Librarians.
Creating a persistent link:
To create a persistent link, simply navigate to the resource you wish to share. From here, you can choose the option to "share the book" from the menu on the left side of the screen:. Copy and paste the link provided in the pop-up box:
Searching in Academic Complete
Searching for e-books in Academic Complete is simple, and leads to over 200,000 e-book choices based on scholarly material and research.
Academic Complete is hosted through e-book central, our general e-book hub. Completing a search here will search all of our Proquest e-books (including Academic Complete).
If you want to search ONLY Academic Complete, select the "Advanced Search" button and check the small box in the bottom right hand corner:
Your search will show you all relevant Academic Complete e-books. From here, you can use the search bar at the top of the page to narrow your results, or the filters on the left-hand side of the screen.
On your eBook page, you will be able to choose to read online or download the e-book.
If you choose to read online, you can simply begin reading.
If you choose to download the e-book, you will need to follow a few simple steps.
First, you will be re-directed through the Kettering website and prompted to login and accept the terms and conditions.
Choose Your Device
After you've logged in, the device window will pop up.
You may also be given an option for either a PDF or EPUB format, depending on the eBook. EPUBS are generally more comfortable to read. Ebook Central has a super easy to use interface that will guide you through the next steps. Just follow the instructions on your screen.
Go to Google Play or the App store and install the Bluefire reader.
Information for this section of the guide provided by COM Library under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial 4.0 International License.
Read, search, navigate and annotate – all from your web browser. This brief video walks you through the easy-to-use Ebook Central online reader. You’ll also learn how to download, copy and print books or chapters, and how to quickly and accurately create a citation for your research.