LearningExpress Library offers eBooks, practice exams, test preparation, courses, guides, and skills improvement related to college, computers, software, citizenship and employment, including:
- Professional certification, licensing, and aptitude tests in nursing, civil service, law enforcement, firefighting, EMS, military, and real estate, among others.
- Workplace skills preparation such as networking, success on the job, business writing, and core computer skills.
- eBooks & courses on the art of interviewing for career advancement, career change, or re-entry into the workforce.
- Practice tests and eBooks on preparation for college and graduate school admissions tests including the SAT, ACT, GMAT, GRE, LSAT and MCAT.
- Practice tests, courses, eBooks on GED exam when working toward a high-school diploma.
- Courses, eBooks, practice on basic skills in reading, writing, and math.
- Software tutorials for Adobe and Microsoft as well as Microsoft and MAC OS.
- Computer and Internet basics.
- Interactive guide to preparing resumes, writing cover letters, interviews, filling out job applications.
LearningExpress Library provides multiple full length video user guides here.