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A how-to of the Kettering & MeL databases

Materials Platform for Data Science [MPDS]

Using the Database

The Materials Platform for Data Science database consists of access to:

  • Inorganic phase diagrams from the world's largest materials data repository.
  • 75,000+ binary, ternary, and multinary phase diagrams and data sheets.
  • Data sheets that contain bibliographic data, crystal data, and processing information.
  • 995,000 physical properties and associated data sheets.
  • Continuous updates by experts.

The MPDS platform has an excellent tutorial on utilizing the database, which can be accessed here.

Using the search bar, enter terms. For this example, we will use Magnesium Sulfate as our term.

Once you enter your terms, your result page will display filtering options on both the left and right sides of the page along the borders.

Clicking on a diagram will open a new page with further options. One of those options is "Visualize" which will allow you to view the diagram and zoom on the structure (seen in the next two images).

You can rotate the diagram in all directions by holding your mouse button and moving the mouse around to view the various angles. Beneath the diagram, there are tags you can click to change how the data displays.

If you see options on the right side of the page, you can further open additional data, as shown in the next image for a different diagram. 

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