Presents unbiased articles on health, public safety, marketplace economics and the judicial & regulatory actions that affect consumers. Full Text coverage 1991 to present.
Click here for Database Tutorial made by KU Librarians.
Consumer Reports provides users with a wide range of information on products and serves as a research guide for informed buying.
This online database allows for easy searching and more in-depth search results than the print publication. For more information about how the online version varies from the print version, please see this article.
Consumer Reports allows users to search publications dating back to 1985. The reports are categorized by year on the right-hand side of the screen.
If you are looking to search publications based on year, simply select your year of interest. The volume and issues will appear under the year.
You may also choose "Search within this publication" for a more specific searching experience.
From here, you can input your search term into the search box, or choose options from advanced search. Search results may also include videos from the associated press.
You may also choose to do an advanced search to further narrow results.
Information for this guide provided courtesy of EBSCO and Consumer Reports.