Mostly full text, a major business resource that includes access to business news, market research reports, company profiles, SWOT analyses, and Harvard Business Review. Also included are thousands of relevant videos.
Click here for Database Tutorial made by KU Librarians.
Creating a persistent link:
From inside the database, navigate to the article you wish to share. From here, simply select "permalink" from the side menu:
From here, simply copy and paste the link that appears at the top of the page:
Business Source Elite provides full-text coverage for over 1,000 business publications and economics journals, including nearly 500 peer-reviewed publications dating as far back as 1985. It contains full text from the world's top management and marketing journals, including:
With more than 10,000 company profiles and SWOT analyses from Datamonitor and MarketLine, you're sure to find the info you seek. Also included in the subscription are more than 75,000 videos from the Associated Press, dating back to the 1930s.
Searching in Business Source Elite
Type your search term(s) in the search bar and hit enter to get started.
The results page will give you many options to filter down your results to a more manageable level.
To open the resource you want, click on the title or one of the options below the listing that says "PDF Full Text," "HTML Full Text," or "Linked Full Text." If you see, "Request this item through Materials on Demand," it means you need to contact the library, and we can request it from another library for you.
If you need further assistance, please contact the Kettering University Library.
If you want to search for a company's SWOT analysis, click the "Company Profiles" tab at the top of the page. SWOT analyses are located in the company profiles PDFs.
You will have several paths for locating the company's information. You can use the search box, scroll down to the desired company in the massive list, or click the letter of the alphabet that your company starts with.
Once you find your company, click on their name or the PDF link next to it. Once open, scroll down to the second page, where the table of contents is located, to see which page the SWOT analysis is on.
There is no filter to search only videos, but you can do a basic search on the main Business Source Elite page, then scroll down the results page to a banner of various related videos and click "view all results" to the top right of the image screenshots.