Consumer Health Information offers detailed answers to the 200 most-commonly-asked health questions. Supporting the needs of patrons and patients, these answers are provided in evidence-based reports that feature graphics, illustrations, easy-to-read text and links to additional information.
Click here for Database Tutorial made by KU Librarians.
Consumer Health Information offers detailed answers to the 200 most-commonly-asked health questions. Supporting the needs of patrons and patients, these answers are provided in evidence-based reports that feature graphics, illustrations, easy-to-read text and links to additional information.
In addiiton to evidence-based reports, Consumer Health Information offers an interactive body map that assists users in locating articles about health-related topics for all areas of the body.
All of the content in Consumer Health Information is written by experienced medical writers and independently reviewed by medically credentialed experts. The articles in Consumer Health Information are reviewed and updated on a regular basis to reflect the most recent information and research available.
To search the database, enter your search term into the box located at the top of the screen, or search by Topic, located on the right-hand side of the screen.
You can also use Advanced Search to search by body system and to further narrow your results.
Information for this guide provided courtesy of EBSCO.